Your name in chinese Ales

How is Ales written in chinese?

Ales in simplified chinese:


Ales in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ales in chinese?

Ales transcribed to pinyin:

pí jiǔ

Pronunciation of Ales in chinese:

Picture of the name Ales in chinese:

The name Ales in chinese characters

Meaning of Ales characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage

Example sentences that contain Ales in chinese:

Ales and Ole are very good friends


píjiǔ hé àolái shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Ales wants to go to USA


píjiǔ xiǎng qù měiguó

Ales now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Aiesha 艾莎
Regino 雷吉诺
Arden Smith 雅顿史密斯
Nezihat 内兹哈特
Brandy 白兰地
Liudmila 柳德米拉
Rivers 里弗斯
Zahrin 扎林
Berke 伯克
Sandrey 桑德雷

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