Your name in chinese Bruno

How is Bruno written in chinese?

Bruno in simplified chinese:


Bruno in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Bruno in chinese?

Bruno transcribed to pinyin:

bù lǔ nuò

Pronunciation of Bruno in chinese:

Picture of the name Bruno in chinese:

The name Bruno in chinese characters

Meaning of Bruno characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
cotton cloth, textiles, linen
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
promise; assent, approve

Example sentences that contain Bruno in chinese:

Bruno and Brenci are very good friends


bùlǔnuò hé bùlúnqí shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Bruno wants to go to China


bùlǔnuò xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Bruno now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Bruno in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Xiangling 香菱
Aira Galladan 艾拉·加拉丹
Jose Enrique 何塞·恩里克
Damaso 达摩思
Camilo 卡米洛
Jean Jean 让让
Yohavy 约哈维
Deveenah 德维娜
Dantsu 团津
Funny 有趣的

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