Your name in chinese Coral

How is Coral written in chinese?

Coral in simplified chinese:


Coral in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Coral in chinese?

Coral transcribed to pinyin:

shān hú

Pronunciation of Coral in chinese:

Picture of the name Coral in chinese:

The name Coral in chinese characters

Meaning of Coral characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
coral; person of virtue

Example sentences that contain Coral in chinese:

Coral's favorite fruit is the tomato


shānhú zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Coral's friend has four houses


shānhú de péngyǒu yǒu sì jiān fángzi

Coral now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Victorina 呗脱李娜
Medina 麦地那
Amandi 阿曼迪
Leontine 莱昂蒂
Hector Mario 赫克托马里奥
Cletus 克莱图斯
Vegeta 素食
Rune 符文
Moniche 莫尼切
Rolande 罗兰德

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