Your name in chinese Dense

How is Dense written in chinese?

Dense in simplified chinese:


Dense in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Dense in chinese?

Dense transcribed to pinyin:

chóu mì

Pronunciation of Dense in chinese:

Picture of the name Dense in chinese:

The name Dense in chinese characters

Meaning of Dense characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
dense, crowded, packed; soupy
dense, thick, close; intimate

Example sentences that contain Dense in chinese:

Dense has given three watches a Pooja


chóumì gěi pǔjiā sòngle sān ge shǒubiǎo

Dense's favorite fruit is the orange


chóumì zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Oleh 奥列
Juan Enrique 胡安·恩里克
Changa 嫦娥
Dra 德拉
Soufian 苏非
Taing 泰坦
Rafay 拉菲
Mitzi 米齐
Osawanimiki 大泽民基
Adrian Hernandez 阿德里安·埃尔南德斯

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