Your name in chinese Food

How is Food written in chinese?

Food in simplified chinese:


Food in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Food in chinese?

Food transcribed to pinyin:

shí wù

Pronunciation of Food in chinese:

Picture of the name Food in chinese:

The name Food in chinese characters

Meaning of Food characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184
thing, substance, creature

Example sentences that contain Food in chinese:

Food is studying spanish


shíwù zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Food and Ponce are very good friends


shíwù hé pángsāi shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yohanes 约哈内斯
Male 男性
Murielle 穆丽尔
Mona 莫娜
Layth 莱斯
Redha 红哈
Tsachouridis 沙丘里迪斯
Dominica 多米尼加
Emilio Sanchez 埃米利奥·桑切斯
Mariona 马里奥娜

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