Your name in chinese Juan Bautista

How is Juan Bautista written in chinese?

Juan Bautista in simplified chinese:


Juan Bautista in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Juan Bautista in chinese?

Juan Bautista transcribed to pinyin:

shī xǐ yuē hàn

Pronunciation of Juan Bautista in chinese:

Picture of the name Juan Bautista in chinese:

The name Juan Bautista in chinese characters

Meaning of Juan Bautista characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
grant, bestow; give; act; name
wash, rinse; clean, purify
treaty, agreement, covenant
writing brush, pen, pencil

Example sentences that contain Juan Bautista in chinese:

Juan Bautista's friend has seven motorcycles


shīxǐyuēhàn de péngyǒu yǒu qī liàng mótuōchē

Juan Bautista and Firoz are very good friends


shīxǐyuēhàn hé fēiluózī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Juan Bautista now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Firulais 菲鲁莱斯
Dong Sincheng 董新成
Marjulyn 马朱琳
Arantzazu 阿兰扎祖
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