Your name in chinese Juan Pablo

How is Juan Pablo written in chinese?

Juan Pablo in simplified chinese:


Juan Pablo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Juan Pablo in chinese?

Juan Pablo transcribed to pinyin:

hú ān · pà bó luó

Pronunciation of Juan Pablo in chinese:

Picture of the name Juan Pablo in chinese:

The name Juan Pablo in chinese characters

Meaning of Juan Pablo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
recklessly, foolishly; wildly
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
· Meaning not available
turban, kerchief, veil; wrap
suddenly, sudden, quick
net for catching birds; gauze

Example sentences that contain Juan Pablo in chinese:

Juan Pablo wants to go to Argentina


húān·pàbóluó xiǎng qù āgēntíng

Juan Pablo's favorite fruit is the pineapple


húān·pàbóluó zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Juan Pablo now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Lakeshia 莱克希亚
Oslo 奥斯陆
Montiel 蒙蒂尔
Deenah 迪娜
Grady 格雷迪
Juan Andres 胡安·安德烈斯
Pedro Lucas 佩德罗·卢卡斯
River Plate 河床
Manuel Antonio 曼努埃尔·安东尼奥

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