Your name in chinese Juan Pedro

How is Juan Pedro written in chinese?

Juan Pedro in simplified chinese:


Juan Pedro in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Juan Pedro in chinese?

Juan Pedro transcribed to pinyin:

hú ān · pèi dé luó

Pronunciation of Juan Pedro in chinese:

Picture of the name Juan Pedro in chinese:

The name Juan Pedro in chinese characters

Meaning of Juan Pedro characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
recklessly, foolishly; wildly
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
· Meaning not available
belt ornament, pendant; wear at waist, tie to the belt; respect
ethics, morality, virtue
net for catching birds; gauze

Example sentences that contain Juan Pedro in chinese:

Juan Pedro is studying chinese


húān·pèidéluó zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Juan Pedro wants to go to United Kingdom


húān·pèidéluó xiǎng qù yīngguó

Juan Pedro now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Juan Pedro in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ayna 艾娜
Hayate 海亚特
Paico 派科
Panblo 潘布洛
Johana Monserrat 约翰娜·蒙塞拉特
Devin 德温
Maria Transicion 玛丽亚过渡
Cornett 科内特
Felicienne 菲丽西安
Winters 温特斯

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