Your name in chinese Life
How is Life written in chinese?
Life in simplified chinese:
Life in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Life in chinese?
Life transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Life in chinese:
Picture of the name Life in chinese:

Meaning of Life characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
生 | life, living, lifetime; birth |
活 | live, exist, survive; lively |
Example sentences that contain Life in chinese:
Life wants to go to Italy
Life is studying french
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Sparks | 火花 |
Joan Miquel | 琼·米克尔 |
Neny | 内尼 |
Mercedes | 梅赛德斯 |
Almerinda | 阿尔梅林达 |
Mayka | 梅卡 |
Babi | 巴比 |
Firulais | 菲鲁莱斯 |
Yyen | 颜 |
Maria Margarita | 玛丽亚·玛格丽特 |