Your name in chinese Marco

How is Marco written in chinese?

Marco in simplified chinese:


Marco in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Marco in chinese?

Marco transcribed to pinyin:

gòu jià

Pronunciation of Marco in chinese:

Picture of the name Marco in chinese:

The name Marco in chinese characters

Meaning of Marco characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
frame, building, structure
rack, stand, prop; prop up

Example sentences that contain Marco in chinese:

Marco is studying spanish


gòujià zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Marco wants to go to Chile


gòujià xiǎng qù zhìlì

Marco now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Marco in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Thapana 塔帕纳
Miko 巫女
Lizeth 利兹
Naydelin 奈德林
Cerol 赛罗尔
Arone 阿罗内
Mala 马拉
Weixing 微星
Nairon 奈龙
Mayson 梅森

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