Your name in chinese Maria Asuncion

How is Maria Asuncion written in chinese?

Maria Asuncion in simplified chinese:


Maria Asuncion in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Maria Asuncion in chinese?

Maria Asuncion transcribed to pinyin:

mǎ lì yà · yà sōng sēn

Pronunciation of Maria Asuncion in chinese:

Picture of the name Maria Asuncion in chinese:

The name Maria Asuncion in chinese characters

Meaning of Maria Asuncion characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
agate; cornelian
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
Asia; second
· Meaning not available
Asia; second
pine tree; fir tree
forest; luxuriant vegetation

Example sentences that contain Maria Asuncion in chinese:

Maria Asuncion is studying russian


mǎlìyà·yàsōngsēn zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Maria Asuncion wants to go to Spain


mǎlìyà·yàsōngsēn xiǎng qù xībānyá

Maria Asuncion now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Maria Asuncion in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
London 伦敦
Daniy 丹尼
Badis 巴迪斯
Dime 十分钱
Gaile 盖尔
Kali 卡利
Daysi 戴斯
Ydali 伊达利
Timael 蒂梅尔
Makhi 玛吉

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