Your name in chinese Posy

How is Posy written in chinese?

Posy in simplified chinese:


Posy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Posy in chinese?

Posy transcribed to pinyin:

míng wén

Pronunciation of Posy in chinese:

Picture of the name Posy in chinese:

The name Posy in chinese characters

Meaning of Posy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
inscribe, engrave
literature, culture, writing

Example sentences that contain Posy in chinese:

Posy's favorite color is yellow


míngwén zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Posy has given four trees a Maxim


míngwén gěi géyán sòngle sì kē shù

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Youssef 优素福
Kacper 卡帕
Melisa 香脂
Aleksandra 亚历山德拉
Mew 喵喵
Vinille 维尼尔
Bayleigh 贝利
Ilhem 伊尔赫姆
Chafik 查菲克
Clifton 克利夫顿

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