Your name in chinese Remedios

How is Remedios written in chinese?

Remedios in simplified chinese:


Remedios in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Remedios in chinese?

Remedios transcribed to pinyin:

bǔ jiù cuò shī

Pronunciation of Remedios in chinese:

Picture of the name Remedios in chinese:

The name Remedios in chinese characters

Meaning of Remedios characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
mend, patch, fix, repair, restore
save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
place; collect, arrange; employ
grant, bestow; give; act; name

Example sentences that contain Remedios in chinese:

Remedios's friend has seven cats


bǔjiùcuòshī de péngyǒu yǒu qī zhī māo

Remedios is studying chinese


bǔjiùcuòshī zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Remedios now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Elliani 埃利亚尼
Saber 赛被儿
Chrispater 克里斯帕特
Mable 马布尔
Schiffmann 席夫曼
Macitrick 马西特里克
Howses 豪斯
Matei 马泰
Lin Ying Chuan 林应川
Gaddafi 卡扎菲

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