Your name in chinese Sunday

How is Sunday written in chinese?

Sunday in simplified chinese:


Sunday in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Sunday in chinese?

Sunday transcribed to pinyin:

xīng qī rì

Pronunciation of Sunday in chinese:

Picture of the name Sunday in chinese:

The name Sunday in chinese characters

Meaning of Sunday characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
a star, planet; any point of light
period of time; date; time limit
sun; day; daytime

Example sentences that contain Sunday in chinese:

Sunday has given seven bikes a Raiden


xīngqīrì gěi láidùn sòngle qī liàng zìxíngchē

Sunday's favorite fruit is the orange


xīngqīrì zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kin 亲属
Manuel Ramon 曼努埃尔·拉蒙
Maylin Ximena 梅林西梅娜
Josephus 约瑟夫斯
Euyi 尤伊
Carmona 卡莫纳
Argelio 阿赫利奥
Lan Fen 兰芬
Alberto Jesus 阿尔贝托·耶稣
Daoud 达乌德

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