Your name in chinese Valentina

How is Valentina written in chinese?

Valentina in simplified chinese:


Valentina in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Valentina in chinese?

Valentina transcribed to pinyin:

wǎ lún dì nà

Pronunciation of Valentina in chinese:

Picture of the name Valentina in chinese:

The name Valentina in chinese characters

Meaning of Valentina characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
tile; earthenware pottery; girl
normal human relationships
peduncle or stem of plants
elegant, graceful, delicate

Example sentences that contain Valentina in chinese:

Valentina's favorite fruit is the watermelon


wǎlúndìnà zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xīguā

Valentina and Zion are very good friends


wǎlúndìnà hé xīān shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Valentina now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yunmei 云美
Miros 米罗斯
Trang 董里
Maytal 梅塔尔
Encarnacio 恩卡纳西奥
Jahaira 贾海拉
Sonia 索尼亚
Picard 皮卡德
Edurne 埃杜恩
Raficane 拉菲坎

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