Your name in chinese Alejandro

How is Alejandro written in chinese?

Alejandro in simplified chinese:


Alejandro in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Alejandro in chinese?

Alejandro transcribed to pinyin:

yà lì shān dà

Pronunciation of Alejandro in chinese:

Picture of the name Alejandro in chinese:

The name Alejandro in chinese characters

Meaning of Alejandro characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Asia; second
power, capability, influence
mountain, hill, peak
big, great, vast, large, high

Example sentences that contain Alejandro in chinese:

Alejandro's favorite color is black


yàlìshāndà zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hēisè

Alejandro is studying chinese


yàlìshāndà zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Alejandro now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Alejandro in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nezha 内扎
Ambk 安布克
Kamilia 卡米莉亚
Nismo 尼斯莫
Keliane 凯莉安
Emiliana 埃米利亚纳
Rebbeca 丽贝卡
Turnip 芜菁
Jodie 乔迪
Fuiyoh 扶阳

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