Your name in chinese Jean Christophe

How is Jean Christophe written in chinese?

Jean Christophe in simplified chinese:


Jean Christophe in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Jean Christophe in chinese?

Jean Christophe transcribed to pinyin:

ràng · kè lǐ sī tuō fū

Pronunciation of Jean Christophe in chinese:

Picture of the name Jean Christophe in chinese:

The name Jean Christophe in chinese characters

Meaning of Jean Christophe characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
allow, permit, yield, concede
· Meaning not available
gram; overcome; transliteration
unit of distance; village; lane
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
to hold up with palm; to support, rely on
man, male adult, husband; those

Example sentences that contain Jean Christophe in chinese:

Jean Christophe is studying chinese


ràng·kèlǐsītuōfū zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Jean Christophe wants to go to France


ràng·kèlǐsītuōfū xiǎng qù fàguó

Jean Christophe now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Soso 一般般
Azzurra 阿祖拉
Sav 保存
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